
Process optimization in industry through constant room air humidity


How does an optimization by regulating the air humidity look like in plain text?

You have no influence on the outside climate, but you can influence your room and production climate!
As part of process optimization, regulated air humidity has an impact on a wide variety of areas: On the one hand, the material can be influenced to have the optimal consistency for the processing process. Here, a regulation via the room air humidity is used especially in the areas of textile, wood and paper processing and the automotive industry or for the processing of hygroscopic materials as well as in the handling of paints and varnishes. By optimizing the consistency of the material, you not only increase the quality of your products, you also reduce your rejects and reduce your error rate and production costs.

Dust binding also falls within the area of ​​process optimization. The increased air humidity binds small particles that are floating in the air. This means that they can no longer settle on the machines and materials and contaminate them, clog them or lead to impurities on the product. Especially branches of industry such as textile, stone, wood and paper processing have to struggle with a large amount of dust.

Another disruptive factor that negatively influences the production process and leads to a higher error rate and increased rejects are electrostatic discharges (ESD). Electrostatic charges occur particularly in the manufacture of sensitive electronics and in the processing of plastics. This disruptive factor is quickly and easily prevented by regulating the room air humidity.

Process optimization in industry through constant room air hu...

Process optimization in industry through constant room air humidity

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