
Prevention before the 4th wave


Humidity has a positive influence on preventing the spread of viruses in closed rooms

Moist room air against corona

 As long as there is no vaccine against the coronavirus, prevention is the only help
public institutions, businesses and companies and private households remains.

What are the options?

  1. Continue to observe general hygiene measures.
  2. Maintain clearances.
  3. Wear masks in public with people or in close proximity.
  4. Regularly in closed rooms.
  5. Keep ventilation systems in a perfectly hygienic state. Adjust the air exchange rate or use a    suitable air purifier.
  6. Maintain air humidity at a value between 40% and 60% by means of a humidifier.

Influence of humidity

It is extremely important for companies not to generate a company lockdown.
Therefore prevention is the only sensible measure to maintain productivity
and protect employees.

What can we do, what can we do?

The humidity in closed rooms changes as the room temperature increases. In winter the relative humidity outside can be high, but it gets into the heated room, the heating energy absorbs the humidity and reduces the room humidity drastically.

This influences the suspension behavior of particles and dust. These in turn are the host carriers of viruses. Air humidification from Rotasystem conditions the room and keeps the set humidity constant. The hygroscopic properties of dusts and particles absorb moisture, the dusts gain weight and fall to the ground more quickly. The floating behavior is significantly influenced and the risk of infection is reduced.

Prevention before the 4th wave

The right air purifier

Industrial or very high-quality air purifiers suck in the air in the floor area and return it to the room safely and cleanly via a 4-stage filter process. This means that no heating energy is lost.

Both systems, air humidifier and air purifier, work almost noiselessly and are therefore not a disruptive factor. The air quality of the air purifiers is measured and evaluated. Values such as air temperature, humidity and ozone are recorded. The high requirements for the CADR value (Clean Air Delivery Rate) are met and confirmed by test reports from independent test laboratories.lost.


Function and filtration of an air purifier

  1. Pre-filter - for the coarse particles and dust
  2. Ionization - for the fine particles that pass the first filter
  3. Fine filter - for particles that are not charged and are smaller than 0.1 µm
  4. Activated carbon filter - for odors and VOC gases, as well as for binding ozone

The media have already pointed out this issue:

Various articles relating to humidity and corona were recently published, here is an excerpt:

Prevention before the 4th wave

Prevention before the 4th wave

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